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Project Management 


I have had extensive experience in project management both in the classroom and in the workplace. For my Editing and Producing class, I was in charge of multiple teams of reporters at a time and was responsible for monitoring the progress of their stories from the pitching process all the way to the finished product. 


The projects I helped manage included audio pieces, video, text and photo slideshows that were all included in one multimedia package for each team. Their goal was to pitch these stories as if they were going to run at local publications including KBIA radio, The Missourian, and KOMU. 


As the multimedia editor for Vox Magazine I help manage all videos featured on the magazine's YouTube page and website. It is my responsiblity to approve multimedia pitches made by reporters, provide thorough assignment information to my reporters, see that they are on top of their assignments (they are usually working on two or more projects at a time) and schedule times to meet to go over their work to have it published online. 



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